
I am currently offering two services: beta reading and sensitivity reading. Please continue further in this page if you are interested!


Beta Reads


What is a Beta Reader?

A beta reader is a fresh pair of eyes and a fresh mind to look at that wonderful tome you’re working on. You’ve seen it a hundred times. Your editor has seen it a hundred times. Sometimes you need the opinion and thoughts from someone who hasn’t. Enter me: a person who hasn’t seen your manuscript a hundred times and can give you new insight. At this point you have gone through massive edits and rewrites and now you need the opinion of someone who’s sole job is to be the reader before your work has hit the shelves.

Why Hire Me?

As someone who aims to work in the arts and in a field that is a constant change and learning experience–I’m very accustomed to looking at something with a critical eye. I’m constantly looking at things to see how it can be better. I’ve been reading YA since I was in middle school (I am now twenty-one) and have been reviewing books for a good portion of that time. I have read countless books that are both good and bad. Working in a field that is all about storytelling, I’m able to look at stories, worlds, and characters critically to make sure all things make sense and are coming organically.

What to Expect:

Once you send me your manuscript I will read it and then send you a one-two page, honest critique that will focus on: characterization and characters in general, world building (if there is any), overall plot, pacing, character development, etc. If you want something more specific, please tell me (depending on the task, the price may vary). I will also send back your manuscript fully annotated with my thoughts throughout the story, pointing out specific details. My main focus is on characters and characterization. Are they organic? Do the relationships develop naturally? Are some actions strangely out of character? These are some of the questions that I will be asking.


As of now I am asking for $125 for a manuscript that is between 60,000 and 100,000 words. If your novel is outside of that range (should you ask for a short story or novella, for example) the price will change, so please make sure to be specific about the word count in your request.


Turnaround time is always varying considering that I am a full-time college student, however, currently I am posting my turnaround time to three weeks from the first payment*.

Want it done sooner? There will be an extra charge of $32 per week for an expedited service. The earliest I will have anything done is a week starting from the first payment date.

*This is in terms of the 60,000-100,000 range. Should your piece be shorter or longer, the turnaround will vary.

Sensitivity Reads


What is a Sensitivity Reader?

‘A sensitivity reader reads through a manuscript for issues of representation and for instances of bias on the page.  The goal of a sensitivity reader isn’t to edit a manuscript clarity and logic, although that may be an additional service offered. A sensitivity reader reviews a manuscript for internalized bias and negatively charged language.  A sensitivity reader is there to help make sure you do not make a mistake, but they are also NOT a guarantee against making a mistake.’

via Writing in the Margins

Why Hire Me?

Recently there’s been a huge push for diversity in reads. This is amazing! As an Asian-American, I completely am for this! However, there have been many books that have been very hurtful to the groups of people that are included. By having me read your book, I can point out some glaring problems that you may not have thought of. This can happen if you’re writing a character from your own community and especially if you’re writing a character outside of your community. It’s always good to have a new set of eyes look at something to make sure you’ve covered your bases.

What I Can Read For:

  • Stories focusing on the Asian-American experience
  • Stories specifically regarding Korean-Americans and Korean culture
  • Stories with bisexual, pansexual, demisexual characters

Do these characters have to be the main character? Not at all! This is for your story that includes these characters and cultures in any way. I am here to look at them with hyperawareness no matter how big the character is in your story.

What to Expect:

Once you send me your manuscript, I will read and send back a one-two page, honest critique. This will focus on any stereotypes that are harmful for the community, problematic lines within the text, racist connotations that are not combatted within the text, and so on. I will also include a fully annotated copy of your manuscript should you want to look for these specific moments.


Currently I am asking for $250 for a manuscript between 60,000 and 100,000 words. If your manuscript is outside of this range, the price will vary, so please make sure to be specific of the word count in your request.

If you have a scene or chapter rather than an entire manuscript you would like me to look at, I will charge $25 per 10,000 words.


Turnaround times may vary depending on how busy I am since I am a full-time college student. I will notify you if it should be any different. I am currently posting my turnaround time at three weeks starting from the first payment*.

Want it done sooner? There will be an extra charge of $63 per week for an expedited service. The earliest I will have it done is within a week starting from the first payment date.

*This is in terms of the 60,000-100,000 range. Should your piece be shorter or longer, the turnaround will vary.

For Both Services



I am guaranteed to accept the following:

  • Fantasy (YA)
  • Historical fiction (YA, New Adult, Adult)
  • Contemporary (YA, New Adult, Adult)
  • Science fiction (YA)

If you have a book outside of the genres or demographics I have listed and are still interested, feel free to send me a request–however I will not always accept them.

Things to Consider

There will be times that I don’t think we would be a good match. If this is the case, do not take it personally, I may just not think I am the person you’re looking for.

I require that your manuscript is FINISHED and has gone through a number of revisions before sending it to me.


Payments are to be through PayPal. If there is a different method, we can discuss this, but for the most part it will be through PayPal.

Payments will be in two installments, the first half at time of agreement and the second at time of completion*. Smaller payments will be paid in full, once, at time of completion.

There are no refunds.

*There will be a grace period of 48 hours.

How to Request


If you would like to request a beta or a sensitivity read, please send an email to: wordsoffthepagereviews[at]gmail[dot]com.

In the subject please include “Sensitivity Read/Beta Read Service Request” along with your name.

In your email please include:

  • Word count
  • Genre
  • Any deadlines
  • Any specifics you would like me to focus on
  • A quick summary of your manuscript (for Beta)
  • What I am reading for (sensitivity)
  • Social media accounts you may have


Thank you so much for your interest. I look forward to working with you!
